Obscured by distance and fed largely by what filters through Bollywood, it appears the more recent wave of design thinking emerging from India is likely going unnoticed by its own who live on foreign shores.

Industry News, Opinion & Insight

By Manou
Documentary photographer and blogger Manou shares a film shot in India and Bhutan. A work in progress, this footage sets a mood for his foray into film.
Made In India
By Border&Fall
Maximiliano Modesti works at the intersection of craft, design and excellence. He speaks to us about valuing the 'Made in India' label and the changes required to ensure the future of the industry.
By Nikhil D.
Visually developed with items used during his residency, Nikhil D. explores entropy - running the course of natural evolution from a higher entropy to lower where an object form is less defined and particles further disengage.
Mind Space
By Kallol Datta
A design professional in Kolkata, Kallol Datta's text, digital collages and illustrations were constructed to relay the mind space occupied during his six week research and writing residency.
Virtual Fashion
By Border&Fall
Vidya Narine is the Founder of Le New Black, the first virtual B2B fashion platform tailored to cutting-edge brands and influential buyers. We speak to her from her Paris office about the merits of an online presence.
Less is More
By R. Burman, Indrani Dasgupta
Photographer R. Burman and model Indrani Dasgupta exchange brief notes about the ephemeral nature of capturing an image and the growing importance of revealing less.